Pet News

Pet News

The Power Of Meow!

Cats rarely meow when communicating with one another. Although felines talk to other felines utilizing body language, scent marking, purrs, chirps, hisses and growls, meows

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Five Dog Yoga Tips

Since yoga with cats is becoming popular, it should not be surprising that yoga with dogs or dog yoga (also known as doga) is gaining

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Cat Yoga?

Cat yoga. I know, it sounds like a joke. How can cats do yoga? Well, it’s not really cat yoga but rather yoga with cats.

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Why Cats Knead?

Have you ever had your cat knead your lap or belly like it is a piece of dough they are preparing to pop into the

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The Canine Mind

Realizing this is my third article in a row primarily related to dogs, I ask for your patience and understanding. Normally I do a much

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