Make Room for the Pet Parade
Recently a story in caught my eye about what some Californians are doing with their furry friends.
Recently a story in caught my eye about what some Californians are doing with their furry friends.
Realizing I should have posted the August birthday babies last month, I decided to honor them along with the September fur babies.
It has been a long, long time since my last post. My bad. Even this one is probably a little late, but better than never.
Longview Pet Sitting wishes a very Happy September Birthday to the following cats and dog: Hotrod Smokey Hayden (Yes, this one is mine. It still
Longview Pet Sitting wishes a very Happy Birthday to the following kitty cats: Harriet-Inez Leo Minx (Ok, this on is mine, but it is still
Longview Pet Sitting – This article was originally published 8/1/2016. Cats have worked as the world’s fuzzy exterminators since at least 8000 B. C. when